Sweet Dill Pickles
I bought the last of the cucumbers at the Farmer’s Market today, and can’t find the recipe I used last year (which is why I went on an entering-recipes kick right now, so that doesn’t happen again!), so I think I’ll try this one instead. I’ll definitely use mustard seed instead of pickling spices. From RazzleDazzleRecipes.
Sweet Dill Pickles
35 to 40 four or five inch cucumbers
3 tablespoons mixed pickling spices (you may prefer mustard seed)
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup pickling salt
4 cups vinegar
4 cups water
Put two sprigs of dill in each jar. Add clove of garlic or a little onion in each jar if you wish. Put spice in a cloth bag and simmer with sugar, salt, vinegar and water for fifteen minutes. Wash and wipe each cucumber and pack in jars. Heat the brine to boiling and pour over pickles in jar. Leave ¼ inch head space in each jar. Seal. Process quarts ten minutes in boiling water. Should be ready in about four weeks.